Program Information Package
Qualification Awarded

The students who successfully complete the program are awarded the degree of Bachelor of Coaching Education.

Level of Qualification

This is a First Cycle (Bachelor’s Degree) program.

Specific Admission Requirements

In the framework of the regulations set by Higher Education Council of Turkey (YÖK), student admission for this undergraduate program is made through a university entrance examination called ÖSYS. Following the submission of students’ academic program preferences, Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) places the students to the relevant program according to the score they get from ÖSYS.

Qualification Requirements and Regulations

The students studying in this undergraduate program are required to have a Cumulative Grade Points Average (Cum. GPA) of not less than 2.00/4.00 and have completed all the courses with at least a letter grade of DD/S in the program in order to graduate. The minimum number of ECTS credits required for graduation is 240. It is also mandatory for the students to complete their compulsory internship in a specified duration and quality.

Recognition of Prior Learning

At Near East University, full-time students can be exempted from some courses within the framework of the related bylaws. If the content of the course previously taken in another institution is equivalent to the course offered at NEU, then the student can be exempted from this course with the approval of the related faculty/graduate school after the evaluation of the course content.

Profile of The Program

Objectives of the Coaching Education, learning the basics in the context of coaching education; training, nutrition, technical and tactical information about sports branches and fields in the context of coaching training; learning and practicing; learning about professional obligations and ethical knowledge such as global awareness and diversity; high-level skills such as critical thinking, creative problem solving, verbal and written communication, and quantitative analysis; improving learning skills; developing interpersonal communication skills necessary for professional cooperation; technological literacy necessary for establishing professional communication regarding the coaching profession; developing skills; scientific and critical thinking; able to monitor up-to-date information; giving importance to professional development; having the knowledge and skills to provide modern sportive service; those who are sensitive to the sports problems related to the country and can contribute to their solution, conscious of protecting, developing and raising public health; Individuals who have creative thinking and can contribute to technological developments in science and their field is to train.

Department of Coaching Education; It is an interdisciplinary field that includes training science, exercise physiology, anatomy, sports psychology, statistics, technical teaching, tactical development of sports branches and performance planning.

The department aims to enable students to follow the performances of athletes both in the TRNC, in Turkey and in the world, to have effective athlete studies, and to conduct scientific research in the field of sports. In addition, it aims to develop students' skills and leadership characteristics.

The department has 6 main sports branches (Basketball, Football, Handball, Bodybuilding, Gymnastics,Swimming).
Students who graduate from the Coaching Department receive a 3rd level coaching certificate from the federation to which the sports branch they choose as their specialization branch and can work as a trainer in the specialty branch.
Those who certify that they have taken the relevant sports branch as a specialization / specialization are exempt from the basic training and examination, and if they are successful by participating in the practice training and examination, they are entitled to receive a senior coaching certificate.

Program Outcomes

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

Graduates of the Department of Coaching Education, in universities, local governments, amateur and professional sports clubs, in the central and provincial organizations of the Prime Ministry Sports Office, as sports experts in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. They can work as trainers and assistant trainers in schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education.

The main employment area of the graduates of the coaching education department in the Republic of Turkey is the sports federations affiliated to the Ministry of Youth and Sports, General Directorate of Sports. In addition to these, autonomous sports federations, sports clubs and sports centers constitute their main working areas.

Access to Further Studies

The students graduating from this program may apply to graduate programs.

Program Structure

The undergraduate program in Coaching Education consists of 62 courses with 240 ECTS credits in total.

There are at least 5 courses in each semester, excluding common compulsory courses and elective courses.

In each program, there are common compulsory courses identified by the Higher Education Council of Turkey (YÖK) and other common courses determined by the University Senate.

Beginning from the junior (second) year, elective courses are anticipated in each semester.
Two of the elective courses are taken from other faculties.

There are at least 20 elective courses in each undergraduate program.

Courses Offered Throughout The University

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

Additional Notes

Exam Regulations & Assessment & Grading

Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate from this undergraduate program, the students are required; to succeed in all of the courses listed in the curriculum of the program by getting the grade of at least DD/S with a minimum of 240 ECTS to have a

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.00 out of 4.00 to complete their compulsory internship in a specified duration and quality.

Mode of Study

This is a full time program.

Program Director

Doç. Dr. Deniz Erdağ, Head of Department, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Near East University

Evaluation Questionnaires

Evaluation Survey

Graduation Survey

Satisfaction Survey